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New Baby Support Group A Haven for New Parents

Published 02/12/2024

A shining example of South County Health’s incredible support in our Community

Briana Hawksley and her children on the beach

In the whirlwind of parenthood, navigating the journey of bringing a new life into the world can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. South County Health is honored to support our community by providing free access to childbirth education classes and New Baby Support Group.

One shining example of the impact of these support groups is the story of a neonatal nurse practitioner who, even with a decade of clinical experience caring for newborns, finds solace and solidarity in participating as a new mom. Recognizing the value of connecting with fellow parents facing similar challenges, she embraced the support group as a source of reassurance and understanding. It’s a reminder of the profound importance of community in the journey of parenthood.

Briana Hawksley and her four-month-old are current members of the New Baby Support Group. In fact, it’s Briana’s second time participating in the group, led by South County Health Childbirth Educator Amanda Vinhateiro.

“Amanda has a calm vibe. She can relax even the most stressed out and anxious new parent. And she has a great knowledge base.”

Briana leans on Amanda’s expertise, especially when it comes to remembering that “everything I’m experiencing as a mom, it’s all normal. The New Baby Support group is a place for reassurance. A lot of new parents find themselves second-guessing. This is a place where I finally realized ‘Oh, everything I’m going through is normal.’ That’s a big relief.”

With her first child, now 3, the group was virtual. Now they meet in person.

“I still keep in touch with 3 or 4 of the women from that first group. They’ve helped with finding babysitters and coordinating a much needed ‘moms’ night out.’ and I love knowing our kids will go to school together when they’re older.” 

As Briana’s experience demonstrates, the support provided by South County Health extends far beyond medical care. It embodies a spirit of compassion, empathy, and empowerment, helping parents to navigate the joys and challenges of raising their little ones with confidence and resilience.

South County Health's New Baby Support Group meets every Tuesday at the Guild in Peace Dale.

Tuesdays, 10 a.m. - Noon
The Neighborhood Guild, 325 Columbia Street, Peace Dale, RI
For additional information email: 
Phone: 401-788-1226

LEARN MORE about FREE Childbirth Education offerings at South County Health