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Primary Care Narragansett

Primary Care Narragansett

Primary Care in Cranston, East Greenwich, Narragansett, Warwick, Westerly

Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) are committed to helping you achieve and maintain good health through every stage of life by offering comprehensive services, including annual visits and screenings with a focus on disease prevention and health promotion.

PCPs also coordinate care with other specialists as needed, to make certain you get the best treatment for chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart or lung disease, or depression. PCPs on the staff of South County Hospital are dedicated to providing the best possible care.

Effective July 1, 2024, the Cranston Primary Care office has been consolidated to South County Health’s Primary Care offices in East Greenwich and Warwick.

  • Brian Pickett, MD is now seeing patients at the East Greenwich Primary Care location in Suite 301 of South County Health's East Greenwich Medical and Wellness Center at 3461 South County Trail, East Greenwich.
  • Stephanie Krusz, MD and Julie Carroll, AGNP, are now seeing patients at the Warwick Primary Care location within South County Health's Warwick Medical and Wellness Center at 120 Centerville Road, Warwick.