Knowing when to go to urgent care or the ER can be confusing. And when accidents happen or sickness strikes, deciding where to go for help in the moment can be hard. The most important thing is to get the right care from the right place.

“We know that our patients have to navigate lots of choices in healthcare. One is when to visit an emergency department versus when to seek treatment at an urgent care or express care facility,”
- Dr. Robert Gianfrocco, Medical Director of Express Care
To make that choice easier, Dr. Gianfrocco offers this quick reference guide to help you choose the right care setting when you or your loved one need medical help fast!
For life-threatening situations when seconds count, don’t wait, call 9-1-1 immediately.

- Person is choking
- Stops breathing
- Head injury resulting in confusion, fainting, or loss of consciousness
- Lightning strike or electrical shock
- Severe burns
- Chest pressure or pain
- Spine or neck injury, especially with loss of mobility or feeling
- Seizures lasting three to five minutes.
For serious, potentially life-threatening situations that need immediate attention.

- Abdominal pain
- Chest pain
- Fainting, passing out, seizures
- Falls in the Elderly
- Signs of Stroke: sudden, severe headaches, confusion, dizziness, weakness,
or drooping on one side of the body - Difficulty speaking, seeing, walking, or moving
- Head trauma, severe burns, deep wounds
- Ingestion or inhalation of poisons
- Severe bone breaks
- Severe allergic reactions with hives, swelling, or breathing difficulties
- Persistent vomiting or diarrhea
- Overdoses
For conditions that need immediate care, but are not life-threatening.

- Broken bones, sprains
- Cuts
- Minor burns
- Minor allergic reactions
- Coughs, colds, flu
- COVID concerns
- Earaches, sore throats
- Migraines
- Low-grade fevers
- Minor rashes
- STD/STI concerns
- Back pain
- Minor eye injuries
- School/sports physicals